Friday, January 13, 2017

Who Moved My Pancreas?

The other night my blood glucose level was pretty high (I had had a bad day and so I was rewarding myself with some pie). So as I walked around my room, willing my blood sugar to go down, I read the book Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson.

It's the story of four creatures, two mice and two littlepeople, and how they respond to change.
When they lose their cheese, the two mice move on to search for more cheese but the two little people respond differently. They both have a hard time dealing with the change, but one manages to move on and change himself.

A lot of this stuff is hard to relate to with diabetes. Enjoy the change? I think that no matter how good I'll get, I'll never enjoy stabbing myself with needles.
Though one section really hit home with me.

"Sometimes things change and they are never the same again. This looks like one of those times. That's life! Life moves on. And so should we" (Johnson, 45).

Getting diabetes at this time in my life was both good and bad. It's good because I'm old enough to be responsible for my numbers and making sure that I'm doing what I can to be healthy. It's bad because I remember what it's like to not have diabetes. There's a very clear BEFORE diabetes and AFTER diabetes. Things have changed and even if they find a cure tomorrow or the day after or five years from now, I don't think I'm ever going to be the person I was before diabetes.

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