Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Advice from Me to Me

Since the breakup, I've been trying a lot of different things to feel better.
I made lists.
I deleted photos on my phone (and changed my phone's background).

I've talked with a lot of people too.
"Is feeling this way normal?"
"When does it stop hurting so much?"
"I don't think I ever want to date again."

I talked to my mom. I talked to my guy friends. I talked to my girl friends.
I don't think I really started to heal until I talked to one of my guy friends from home. A mutual friend of my ex and I. He had been in a rough relationship before.

All of this talking made me realize that I didn't even know what I wanted.
So I formed a plan.
From now on, I am going to date myself.
I'm going to take myself out on dates and adventures that I want to go on.
I like when I can hang out with friends on these adventures, but if they don't want to go with me, I'll find friends while I'm there.

Dates I have now taken myself on:
Going to an Escape Room
Starting a D&D game
Going to the library to look at books and then going to see a band

All of these things made me very happy, even without a date.

I've already made a deal with God.
If I'm meant to be with someone, it's His responsibility to get us together.
Until then, I'm going to just date myself.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Paradigm Shift

I have now experienced a breakup. 

I will not lie and say I feel happy. It sucks. 
I cried in the middle of one of my classes. 
Usually, I segment my crying time to when I'm alone and when I can hide the fact that I'm crying.
But there I was, in front of a classroom of people, crying.
I was so surprised. I had cried by myself. I had talked to people. I thought I had gotten it all out. 
I thought I could talk about it intelligently. 
But I'm glad I cried. 
This whole classroom of girls was so supportive. 
I understood why girls in high school had groups. 
I also understood why girls in high school got so emotional over breakups. 

But I think I'm far enough away from the event to start talking about things. 
I like to analyze and work things out by writing about it, so that's what I'll do. 
It means hijacking this site, but I haven't posted anything diabetes-related in a while anyway. 

You'll be hearing from me soon