Monday, October 10, 2016

Love/Hate Relationship with my Dexcom

Here's the bare bones of the matter:
Knowing your blood glucose level is a blessing and a curse.

You can say, "Oh, my blood sugar is low and going down, I guess I'll have that extra cookie" or "It's a little high, I should drink some water".
On the other hand, low blood sugar during class is bad enough. It's worse when your Dexcom is beeping at you while the professor is talking. It's like "Shhhh, I just ate a glucose tab, you'll be up in a minute".

And of course, putting the Dexcom in is a pain. It doesn't hurt as much as a flu shot, but it still hurts.
So I try to get my sensor to last longer than a week so I don't have to put it back in.
It doesn't appreciate that.

So, do I recommend a CGM for first time T1Ders?
Absolutely. You can sleep the whole night through without any worries about waking up at 3 to test.
It's the least you've earned after waking up to pee in the middle of the night for months!

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