Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Diabetic Stigma

I love all the support my friends and family have given me through this frustrating and stressful time. They've been so kind and understanding. I appreciate all of the things they've done for me because there are some really obnoxious people that come out of the woodwork when you're diabetic.

I love that a lot of my friends have been willing to learn about diabetes, but their previous misconceptions bother me. For example, one morning I was talking to my friends about how I wished I could go back in time and enjoy all that time eating without calculating carbs and one of my friends said, "You could also go back and prevent yourself from getting diabetes." Type 1 Diabetes is a genetic disorder. It's my autoimmune system fighting the beta cells in my pancreas. There is no diet, no shot, nothing I could have done to slow it down or prevent it. This was all out of my control. That definitely pisses off some people with T1D. I'd like to think that I can control my diabetes for the most part, but even how much insulin I take is in flux.

Nothing I did caused me to have T1D and you can bet that it wasn't my choice. I know that there are people in the world that are vegan or gluten-free not because of a disease, but because it's their choice. That's very good for them, but having diabetes isn't like that. I was at a fancy dinner and I needed to know what I was eating so I could bolus accordingly. I asked the waitstaff what was being served along with dinner and they went out back. Next thing I know, a very condescending older woman came out and talked to me as if I was a child. I didn't ask her what the carbs were since I've had interactions like this before and I've learned that people in this position know a disturbingly small amount about the food they serve. Bolusing for my meals is hard enough, I don't need a condescending attitude about a disease I cannot fully control.

Well, it was not my choice to become diabetic.
I smile through these painful interactions because I know they don't know any better.
Just like it's not my fault that I have this, I know it's not their fault that they are ignorant.
I wish I could take my shots and get through this without the stigma that it's my fault or that I can control it.

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