Thursday, June 29, 2017

I Got A Pump

I have had an OmniPod for a few weeks now and I highly recommend it. It was a struggle to get it though.
My insurance made it very difficult.
I was denied the first time. Then they wanted proof that I was diabetic. So I had a blood draw (which the insurance didn't even pay for) to prove that -surprise, surprise- I am diabetic.
*DING DING DING* Give a prize to that insurance company for making me pay to find out something we all already know!!
But I'm getting bitter and we still have more denial to go!
I decided that I wasn't going to fight to get a pump anymore so it was quite a shock when I got the second denial letter. I thought that the endo office was trying to get it for me still, but in the end, it wasn't them.

So I survive finals week and begin the summer. My mother and I visit the town my grandparents live in (since I'm working at their local library this summer) and we get lunch at this little cafe. I'm getting my pen needles out and my meter and I see this guy looking at me. I expect him to say something rude, but instead, he tells me that his daughter is T1D and that, by chance, the girl sitting behind me is also T1D. We start to chat and he tells me his daughter has an OmniPod and he insists that it's worth the fight. It would make your life so much easier. Afterward, my mom asks me whether or not I want to start fighting for the pump again. I told her, only if we get a new insurance.

We come home to a letter from OmniPod.
The last rejection.
You only get three rejections.

My pump was approved.
OmniPod had kept fighting the insurance company and they won.
They told me that I had been doing everything right and that I really did deserve to have this.
That I deserved to have it just a little bit easier.

Everyone I've met from OmniPod has been so sweet and understanding.
10/10 for customer service!
But I have even more good things to say about OmniPod! Keep an eye out for more blog posts!

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